Meet WVIU Radio "Artist of the Week: Tom Taylor!!"

artist of the week july 14th 2023 tom taylor




 Introduction: We are so excited to introduce to some and present to others, Award-Winning Christian Music Artist, Tom Taylor! It's an honor to have him as  a member of the WVIU Radio family and it is such a blessing to witness where the Lord has taken and IS taking his music ministry. Let's get to know him a little better...

1. Thank you so much for agreeing to do this interview, Tom! For those who may be new fans of yours or even new listeners of WVIU Radio. Tell us a little bit about yourself... For starters, Where are you from?

I was born in San Diego, California, and grew up in a town in San Diego County called National City until age 11. Prior to relocating to Washington State (where I ended up spending most of my life), I lived in Long Beach, California for a short time. I've been located in Murfreesboro, Tennessee since December 2020.

2. That's awesome! So, how long have you been doing music?

I started playing guitar at around 10 years old. I had a special interest in playing bass lines, and bass guitar became my instrument of choice when I used to play in bands, or my worship team. The gift of writing didn't occur until I was 25, which opened up a whole new world, and led to the launch of my ministry.

3. Who inspired you to make music?

My dad played guitar, and introduced my brother Bill and I to the instrument. There were many great moments of listening to music together, and a jam session wasn't out of the ordinary.

4. How would you describe the music that you typically create?

Written from a Christian perspective, and musically influenced by classic artists like The Beatles, The Eagles, and James Taylor. You'll hear country-rock, folk-rock, a little jazz, and CCM when listening to my music.

5. What is your creative process like?

Typically it starts with noodling on the guitar, and crafting a chord sequence. At times a melody and lyric develop simultaneously. More rarely, a melody and lyric will come first, and then the chords. In recent years, I started co-writing with other songwriters and artists, which has opened up new friendships, and led to the crafting of great new songs that are different than a writer would develop on their own.

6. How long does it usually take you to write a new song?

It depends. Sometimes a new song is written in one sitting in a couple of hours, and other times it can take more than one session, or multiple sessions.

7. Who would you most like to collaborate with? Why?

I grew up listening to Amy Grant and Michael W. Smith, and collaborating with them would be incredible! I'd love to collaborate with Lauren Daigle! I love her music, and she has such a fun personality. In the mainstream world, James Taylor: one of my biggest musical influences.

8. If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be?

This is a tough one, but I'm going to go with Casting Crowns.

9. Nice! What’s your primary goal in life?

To serve the Lord, and glorify Him through the music and ministry He has blessed me with. Also, to be a good husband and father.

10. What would you be doing right now, if it wasn’t for your music ministry or current career?

If I weren't writing, recording, and performing my own music, I would probably be playing bass in a band like I was before my gift of writing.

11. Where have you performed?

Churches, county and street fairs, prisons, coffee houses, and on television and radio. And then there was that one time in northern Alabama in 2007, when I was invited to perform prior to a Christian wrestling match in a storefront church. I performed in the middle of the wrestling ring!

12. Wow! That's wonderful! So, tell us... What are your favorite and least favorite venues?

My favorite would be any location with a good, responsive, receptive audience. I love to see how the music positively impacts the crowd. I love to see people reacting emotionally to the music, and worshiping to the music.

My least favorite would be a location where people are more engaged in their personal conversations or activities than in listening or worshiping.

13. Great point... Haha! Do you have any upcoming shows?

None at the moment, but I'm open for booking.

14. How do you feel the Internet has impacted the music arena? Specifically, for Independent, new and upcoming Christian/Gospel artists?

The ability for any artist to release their own material with worldwide distribution is a massive benefit. Social media and e-mail lists are important promotional tools.

15. What is your favorite song to perform LIVE?

Currently, probably a country ballad called “Full Circle.”

16. Which well-known musicians do you admire?

A lot of my favorites have passed away, but the ones that are still with us would be Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Phil Collins, James Taylor, Paul Carrack, Peter Gabriel, Amy Grant, Michael W. Smith, and Steven Curtis Chapman.

17. What is a favorite song of yours that you’ve written? Lyric-wise? Why?

A tribute to my dad called “Sometimes A Hero.” It's not just a tribute, but also a story of how I grew up. My parents split when I was 7, and my older brother chose to live with my mom; and because my dad and I were so close, I chose to stay with him. It was mostly just me and him when I was growing up.

He was a Vietnam veteran, and mostly kept to himself when it came to the outside world. He loved computer programming, and often times we would both be sitting at our desks in the same room working on our computers.

He prayed with me to accept Jesus as my Lord and savior when I was 9. When I was 18, he passed away suddenly and unexpectedly. He made such an impact that this is actually my third tribute song for him.

18. Wow! That is such a beautiful story... Thank you so much for sharing that with us! What would you say is the best advice you’ve been given?

This is a tough one, but I would say to “Focus on Jesus” (from multiple Godly sources).

19. Amen! That's so good solid advice right there! Haha! :)

At what age did you come to know Christ for yourself? Who helped you to grow in the faith?

I believe I mentioned it a little while ago, but just to reiterate, my dad led me in prayer when I was 9, so he was the first that helped me. My ex-wife Becky, during our 19-year-marriage, also helped me, as well as my mother-in-law and father-in-law. Pastors throughout the years as well, whether in church, on the radio, TV, or online.

20. How would you encourage a person who is afraid to stand up for their Christian beliefs, morals, and values?

From the Word of God, I would remind them to be bold and unashamed.

(Romans 1:16)

21. How do you balance your daily life, ministry, job, music, and other responsibilities without getting burned out?

Burn out is inevitable. Reminders of things being temporal, and the promises of better things to come, are a good way to keep things positive.

22. Are you currently working on any music videos?

Not currently, but I would love to film and release music videos when possible.

23. What’s next for you?

I will continue to write, co-write, release more music, and hopefully get on the road to play live!

24. What word of encouragement would you give to your fans and to our listeners here at WVIU Radio?

To not forget who you are in Christ: born again, forgiven, free, 100% righteous, and 100% forgiven. To walk in this knowledge, freedom, and victory. To ask God to remind you of who you are when you forget this beautiful truth.


To support Tom Taylor, be sure to request his new single "I Have a Future"  featuring Joy Dame via WVIU Radio by clicking on the "Make a Request" button! You can also listen to his single entitled, "MASTERPIECE" on YouTube!

Tom Taylor's Official Website!


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